Sandii & Kay Nakayama
Recording for New Album,Now.
Yuji Ohno,
Katsuya Kobayashi,
Masahiro Fujioka and More
more info soon.
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Kay Nakayama Latest Album
"A Journey of Something Wonderful"
Now on Bandcamp,spotify,apple music & more.
Chillscape Art & Music released “A Journey of Something Wonderful" by Kay Nakayama[aka Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful].
Kay is one of pioneers in the Japanese Chillout scene. He has produced many of the sound trucks for the PlayStation 4 / Gran Turismo Sport, a driving simulation video game which was sold over five million copies in the world. The concept of this album is a virtual trip with a smooth Chillout sound and the recording has taken place both in Japan and Europe. The album includes a new edition of "Body and Mind" which was originally produced for the sound truck for Grand Turismo Sport.
The art work of this album was created by artist Olga Feshina whose painting is currently on display in Google Museum in New York.
Kay is also a resident DJ for Red bull Air Race Chiba's VIP lounge.
世界で500万人以上のプレイヤーを持つドライビングシミュレイションゲームPlayStation 4 / Gran Turismo Sportに楽曲提供し、Red Bull Air Race ChibaのVIP ラウンジでレジデントDJを務める、日本におけるチルアウト・シーンのパイオニア、ケイ・ナカヤマ[aka Intelligent Jazz, Something Wonderful]のニューアルバム “A Journey of Something Wonderful” が完成。Chillscape Art & Musicよりリリースされた。
ヴァーチャルトリップをコンセプトに日本とヨーロッパで制作された心地よい極上のチルアウトミュージック。Gran Turismo Sportに使用された”Body and Mind”のニューバージョン収録。
アートワークはNYの女性アーティストOlga Feshinaが担当。
Support Musicians:
Saki & Jody Tenku
from The Factors
Sound Engineer : Takashi Watanabe
Artwork : Olga Feshina Design : Koji Eno
[P]&[C] Chillscape Art & Music 2019
Chillout 4 Your Mind...
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